Here are some more things we all need to know:
1) The catalog is a square 7" x 7" format with a soft cover.
- Everyone will have 4 consecutive pages in the catalog - each layout will be a double page spread (2 sets of 2 facing pages).
- Your first spread will have your name, project name & copy on the left page and a single full size image on the right hand page. This will be consistent for everyone.
- The second set of pages will follow a format that is more specific to what you will be providing, dependent on number of images and any other copy.
- We will create the catalog in alphabetical order by last name.
2) Materials you will need to prepare for the catalog:
You will need to provide an artist's statement and 3-5 photos of your work.
A) Your artist's statement
- Please prepare your artist's statement with enough time to review it with Vjane; she will provide input/feedback for the final document
- Please supply the artist's statement in a plain, unformatted Word document with your name and title of your work at the top. Attach your artist's statement to an email and send it to me. Please do not send it to me in the body of an email.
- Please make sure you have spell checked it.
- Please make sure your word document is saved/named as follows: FirstnameLastname.doc For example, mine would be ShelleyYampolsky.doc
- If you will have copy on your second set of pages, please clearly indicate 'page1', 'page2', 'page3'. Note, there will be no copy on your first right hand page other than a caption.
B) Photos of your work
- Please provide a minimum of 3 photos of your work: 1 feature image and 2 (minimum) - 4 (maximum) detail or support images
- Please supply these as jpgs, 150dpi - 300 dpi. A general rule of thumb to see if your images are high enough resolution is to increase the size of the image 200%. If the image is still sharp at 200%, you are generally 'safe'. If you are unsure, please connect with Dean for feedback.
- Note that if your original image is not completely sharp, the final printed image will not be sharp.
- Please make sure your jpgs are saved/named as follows: LastnameImagenumberTitleofwork
.jpg. For example, my feature image would be called: Yampolsky1Horse.jpg; additional support or detail images would be titled: Yampolsky2Horse.jpg, Yampolsky3.jpg, Yampolsky4.jpg and Yampolsky5.jpg. - If you want captions on your images, please provide the captions in your word document with your artist's statement and reference the image numbers.
3) March 18 is the due date for everything emailed to me at this address.
Please respect my time :)
March 18 deadline only gives me 7 working days to put the whole thing together
in order for us to have the files out the door in time for production.
If you are waiting to provide the feature photo until the last possible
minute, I understand and will do my best to accommodate; understanding
you may have to push the 'go' button before you are totally ready to do
I cannot physically place 14 images into the catalog the night of March 24 -
which is our 'out the door' date.
4) If you have any questions, please post them here on the blog so we can all see them. I will answer them there.
Thank you Shelley and ambitious project. Looking forward to being part of this!